Frequently Asked Questions

is anyone around the world allowed to enter?

Yes, the competition is open to everyone, regardless of location. However, nominees should note that the live event will take place in New York City. Our hope is that finalists are able to attend and invite friends to pack the audience with people that will cheer & laugh for their script.

how are you handling getting permission from brands?

We have experience navigating this process. Ultimately, there are different ways to approach this. It will depend upon you or your agency’s relationship to the client in question.

are other ideas (social / PR / print / outdoor / etc) eligible too?

This year, we’re only accepting TV scripts. Nominated ideas will be performed live in front of an audience and how they play in the room will factor into the judges’ decision.

who is covering the cost of the winning spot?

Hungry Man will cover the production costs for the winning idea.

who will direct the winning spot?

The Hungry Man director will be chosen based on who’s the best fit for the script, ensuring the concept is brought to life in the best possible way. It will likely be an up and coming director.

can my three ideas be separate or should they be under the same brand?

It doesn’t matter, but if your ideas are very similar, we recommend choosing the strongest one to submit. We encourage you to showcase a variety of different concepts to highlight your creative range.

should i take budget into account?

Budget could be taken into account but more than anything, submissions need to play well in front of a live audience. That will be most likely to tip the scales. Best idea wins.

If your question isn’t listed here, you can ask us at